Tehnopolymer Group LLC

Tehnopolymer Group LLC is the largest manufacturer of metal and polypropylene brush discs, polypropylene pile brushes, for municipal machinery and road sweepers (Broadway, Unimog,  the MTW, etc.) in the Republic of Belarus. The company produces high-quality brushes for airfield equipment, which has higher requirements. Tehnopolymer Group LLC products are represented both on the belarusian market and abroad.

40% of revenue is generated from transactions with foreign companies.

Tehnopolymer Group LLC offers investors bonds of 1 issue in USD 7.5% revenue per year.

Want to learn more? Do you want to buy or sell bonds?
Please, select the most convenient way to reach us:
Phone: +375173882930
+375293882930, +375296382930
e-mail: info@finup24.by
Address: 23 Dzerzhinskogo AVE, off 433, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus 220069.